♥ illustration, watercolor, logo design
Barbi is comfortable with a wide range of manual techniques, from etching to watercolours, while she is able to adapt her fresh sketchy style to digital media. The world becomes a better place whenever she draws animals or plants. She often illustrates books and designs covers, a few of her recent bigger projects are the Panthera series, Elképesztő! and Alma. Have you seen the Euro concepts? Well, those are her designs. She has countless colourful stockings, she consumes sci-fi and coffee in a dangerous amount, one of her main relaxing activities is playing Diablo. They listen to Tool and Perfect Circle when alone with Ján, but Coldplay plays when she steps out of the office.
♥ comics, illustration, logo and icon design
He loves simplification, clean, sensible geometric imagery. Just like chaotic people. He can capture the essence of things, whenever he draws portraits or pictograms. His unsurpassed poetic skills come handy in the Studio, but more importantly in his band, Csaknekedkislány. He wears flowery shirts in summer, drinks warm water in winter. He, along with Gergő, suffers from a disease called eventus-est-preditio-phobia (fear of spoilers). His most infamous work is the Nyugat-Zombies comic book, which showcases his drawing skills and dirty sense of humour as well.
♥ maps, lineart, typography, branding
Gergő is literally the nicest guy, and the craziest at the same time. He is adept in everything which has anything to do with our profession (programming, 3D, medieval fencing). As a designer he is flexible and precise, his favourite themes are ships and maps. Even his smallest works contain a huge amount of detail, you can hunt for hidden secrets for hours. When it comes to revision, Olivér would usually remove details, while Gergő would add even more. He illustrated the book A Szemüveges Szirénby Mátyás Dunajcsik. He is the greatest fan of letterpress among us, but we love it too, of course.
♥ lettering, calligraphy, logo design, branding
If the studio was be the Ghostbusters, Ján would be Bill Murray. An irresistibly beautiful Bill Murray, Ján’s work is even more handsome though. He has the elemental skill of creating perfect compositions. His calligraphies are mind-blowing. Our champ from Zirc loves to work on logos and branding, Tomart Custom Guitars branding is a great example. He is in a close relationship with various markers, chisel tips, white pencils. He also films and cuts videos, plays the bass and rides the BMX like an expert. If he has to handle a lot of stress, he does a handstand or speaks unknown languages.
♥ lettering, ornaments, illustration, cats
The ornaments and floral patterns grow out by the hands of Bogi like blossoms on the riverbank. She and Barbi are great fans of the work of William Morris, and the soundtracks of Disney movies. She is very practised in creating patterns and hand-drawn typography, but she also likes to experiment, say small-scale graphics, especially when it comes to postage stamp design. Take a look! If the mail you receive from us is heartwarming and overwhelmingly kind, it’s probably from Bogi (Gergő if it’s plain, Barbi if passionate, Olivér if straight-forward, Ján if short).